Update - and powerhead placement??


After reaquascaping several times, I think Im finally happy with it. Lots of caves and shelves for corals. I reaquascaped to help flow in the tank, and because i just didnt like it, lol. I think the cyano i have been battling is slowing down and Im starting to get some coraline growth on the rocks as too, which is all good news.

I have ordered another power head which should arrive tomorrow to add more flow. I am thinking about putting it on the back wall in the middle facing forward... any thoughts??


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I have 4 powerheads, two on the back glass, and one on either side pannel, all facing edges to, "bounce" water off the glass and create some really random flow.
For the third one i would point it up towards the surface to make a nice ripple. That would help you oxygenate your tank.
Should i put the end ones facing each other and one on back in the middle facing the glass? I have both returns aimed at top of water to create ripple, so i can place power heads anywhere.
Something lower in the tank will help to keep detrius in suspension. I use a small powerhead behind my live rock sculpture to kick out as much crap as I can.