Undergravel Filters


Reef enthusiast
I took the UGS out of our 10G yesterday and there was an amazing amount of crud under it --the bristleworms loved it. The air pumps that are supposed to provide flow in the UGS are rather weak. I think its possible to push a great deal of flow under the filter and prevent crud from building up but its probably not worth it. A sand-less tank is probably the best way to completely avoid detritus traps in the sand or dead-spots under the LR.
well, see this brings up a question i asked in another area, what if you force water under the sand and let it percolate up... if you filter it first, then you wont get the crap buildup.. so then it could act as a fluidized bed filter.. but i cant find anyone that has actually tried it...
The key to keeping detritus off the sand,is flow.You've GOT to have enough flow to keep detritus and other waste in suspension long enough for the skimmer and other filtration set ups to catch it.
the way i have my tank set up right now is sorta like the idea of haveing water go to the bottom and come back up and it is hooked through my sump return so it is only clean water going through. i dont know how well it will work and probably wont for a few years.
The key to keeping detritus off the sand,is flow.You've GOT to have enough flow to keep detritus and other waste in suspension long enough for the skimmer and other filtration set ups to catch it.

YES. people constantly ignore how important flow is... it's not just about SPS... we all need it!

i'm kind of feeling like you guys are overcomplicating the filtration of marine aquariums....
believe it or not but the way i have my tank set up with water blowing from under the sand is the easiest way for my tank to work. but i am still trying to get good flow so the food never hits the sand i agree with you guys.
the way i have my tank set up right now is sorta like the idea of haveing water go to the bottom and come back up and it is hooked through my sump return so it is only clean water going through. i dont know how well it will work and probably wont for a few years.

Are you saying you have an Undergravel Filter with you sump return flowing through it?
YES. people constantly ignore how important flow is... it's not just about SPS... we all need it!

i'm kind of feeling like you guys are overcomplicating the filtration of marine aquariums....

I agree 110% with yote and nd. Flow is the most important thing in your aquarium.

People have a great debate on sand or sandless or deep sand bed. I have ran tanks all 3 ways, my deep sand beds BAD! unless you have something constantley moving around in the sand to keep it from going stagnant.

I run about 1-2" of sand in all of my tanks but 2. My 120 is sandless, we have to add a PH buffer on a weekly basis to this tank and the bottom is covered with corraline. My nano has about 3-4" sand bed because I have a goby and pistol shrimp which are constantly recontructing their hole so my sand is constantly being moved.

As for an undergravel filter I would never use one in a freshwater aquarium let alone a saltwater, there is just to much maintenance involved. It disturbes your tank to much because you have to take it apart to clean it as well as vacuuming consistently which you want to avoid doing in a saltwater tank.
I took the UGS out of our 10G yesterday and there was an amazing amount of crud under it --the bristleworms loved it. The air pumps that are supposed to provide flow in the UGS are rather weak. I think its possible to push a great deal of flow under the filter and prevent crud from building up but its probably not worth it. A sand-less tank is probably the best way to completely avoid detritus traps in the sand or dead-spots under the LR.

I hate to say it, but I told you so? I remember us having this debate when you first set it up, and since then I've seen posts from you arguing that UGFs seem to work, and now you've seen first-hand that they don't.