Underfed Clownfish?


The Tennis Pro Reefer
Well since everyone scares me about not overfeeding fish I have been giving a little less than 1/4 of a Mysis Shrimp cube to my two clownfish once a day at night. Often times it looks like I am feeding just the right amount because they eat as much as they want for 3-5 mins and then the majority of food is gone. However, today I went home and noticed that my true percula looked like I could see its skeleton through its body near the last 1/2 of its body by its tail. I hadn't noticed this before so I fed a little extra tonight. If anything this fish is the more active and faster eater of the two. Did I just not notice this aspect of the fish's body before? Should I be feeding more even if it looks like a lot just floats to the bottom after a while? Could it be something else?
this might just be inexperience talking but try feeding a little more every day and if its body stays the same or it looks like there not even eating the extra you put in there then there might not be anything wrong. but then again that might just be inexperience
I dont think you're under feeding. I feed my fish every other day, sometimes once every 3 days. There are plenty of pods there they feed on anyways, so if its starvation you're worried about, i dont think that is the case...
It sounds like you are feeding just fine. Just keep an eye on him for a few days and see what happens

Try to feed them twice a day the same amount of food.I'm a believer in keeping fish well fed if it doesn't cause water quality problems.A well balance diet keeps fish healthy and vibrant.Splurge and give them half a cube and mix it up from time to time.Feed mysis one day then maybe Prime Reef the next day.I have dozens of different foods for my babies.A boney fish can mean starvation and internal parasites so be aware.I wouldn't worry about internal parasites unless they stop eating.
I don't see ribs sticking out or anything like that. It is almost like I can see an Xray of the skeleton. Fish is swimming around and eating like normal. Only thing I added that was different lately that makes me question is Purple Up.
Rest assured,you get pods when you add live rock.
I do like Cthegame,I only feed my fish every 3rd or 4th day.But I actually feed something to the tank about every day.Weather it phytoplankton,or something else.
I think that fish get quiet a bit of more natural food from the critters the live in and on the rock.
Try Reefs suggestion and see what happens.
when I woke up (at 2pm) I fed them some leftover I had prepared from last night. They gobbled it up quick. I am most likely gonna add another fish or shrimp or both today so I will prob throw a little food in after acclimation and then give the regular amount I do tonight. Then I will start using Reef's suggestion of 2 feeding times per day to see how that works.
I believe feeding well counter balances stress to fish. There is an old rule with fresh water and I have wondered if it applies to marine fish as well: feed them no more than they can eat in 2 or 3 minutes. I will occasionally skip a day of feeding. Also, take into account that different creatures have different diets. Some need plankton, some need to eat fish flakes & yet others do well with live food.