toadstool coral frag


How do I know when I should and/or can frag a toadstool coral?
I've got one amazing neon green one that glows and would like to eventually frag it in case one dies. I wish it'd grow a little faster...
You can frag it any time. They're really easy to frag too, you can just cut a piece of it off, attach it to a rock, and it should grow back. To keep the parent looking normal, some people cut a ring off around its upper edge and cut that ring into small pieces. If there's a piece of the parent that already juts out, that's a good place to make a cut too.
cool, thanks Biff, I'll give it a try in a month or two when it gets a touch bigger.

Anyone else ever see any of these "glow in the dark"-ish toadies? I'd love to find some more online to buy...