Tiny li'l things


I failed Kobayashi Maru
I think I was told they were good...but I forget what they're called --
I have these li'l white specs crawling up and down my glass, and I am not sure if they're the larger version of those specs, but I've also noticed tiny white ...somethings,..can't even describe them...crawling around the sand. Any clue?

No fish yet (and I"ve had this tank for 4 months now!! LOL), just hermits and snails and lrs. And still battling nitrates ;)
likely pods. Totally normal and good for your tank. Tough to know for sure without a picture. My guess is you are OK. Everything that goes into your tank will end up eating them anyway.

My levels have been the same since day 1 (read on for my tank's life story :D):
PH: 8.2-8.4
Nitrites: 0ppm
NITRATES: 160+ppm!!!
Calcium: Not yet tested -- I just got the test kit

Ok..well, no way to avoid a long post :D ...I inherited the tank from my brother who hadn't had fish in it for a year....he just kept refilling to keep the lr's alive. Plus he wasn't too good with paying attention to his tank levels -- he just sorta did as he pleased. When I took it over, I got rid of the water and sand, kept the lrs, bought live sand. I had also been using his bio balls and sump and other equipment. I washed out the bio balls with fresh salt water, and the sump as well. I've been phasing out my *nitrate factory* bio balls slowly -- switching to a refugium.

SO, the tank came home to me, and I used treated tap water to fill it, bought some hermits and some snails...nitrates wouldn't go down with my several water changes...I tested my tap, and low and behold, it had nitrates in it! So I waited a couple of weeks for my rodi to arrive. I started rodi'd water changes, but nitrates still won't go down, so I realize my last course of action is just to wait on getting the bioballs completely phased out.

In the meantime, I bought a skimmer (used), a new pump, and I am about to start using a refugium so OUT with the bio balls! I am (tonight) going to be moving my tank to a new cabinet we built, which means I have to lighten the laod anyway....so I will be making a 50% water change, move the tank over, and install the new filtration system with no bio balls. I will go get my plant life for the refugium tomorrow. I've got about 20 gallons of rodi'd water waiting for me :) I also changed salts -- I was using crystal sea, but have now switched to Tropic Marin that my totally awesome lfs has also started using. They say they're getting better results.

Once it's all set up, I should have my 45 high tank set up with the 20 gal sump, water going in partially into the refugium and partially in the skimmer section at the other end, and all the clean skimmer water and refugium water meeting in the middle, then back up. If THIS doesn't get rid of the nitrates, I don't know WHAT Is causing it!! If you guys see something in this post that I'm missing, PLEASE give me more advice. For now, i'm going to just hope my new set up and major water change makes a big difference.