Time For a QT Tank


Reef enthusiast
I just lost my first reef inhabitants. A zoa colony that I purchased at the LFS. They had spiders and some kind of eggs all over them. I tried several freshwater dips, but it looked like a lost cause, so I flushed them. I feel awful about it, but I didn't want to put them back in my display tank and risk infecting my other animals.

So, I have a 5.5g tank that can be used as a QT tank. I have a HOB Whisper 20 filter. I'm going to order a PC light from FosterSmith.

I'd really appreciate any advice on exactly how to set up my QT tank. I can use the little HOB Whisper 20, but everytime I change the cartridge, I'll be loosing the bacterial colony.

The tank will just be bare bottom with a couple pieces of PVC for structure. So, how do I keep a living bacterial colony in such a barren tank?

Any advice would be appreciated.
You are usually only quarantining one thing at a time (or a pair of fish or something). And with frequent enough water changes, and for such the short period of time the new things will be in the quarantine tank, you really don't need an established bacterial population in there. Many people tear down their quarantine tank when it's not being used, in fact. You will just need a small heater and watch the parameters. If you are quarantining corals, that won't be a problem in the first place.
Since you wont have to really use the Qtank that much,you shouldnt have to worry about the bacteria.But if you really wanted to,you could use Prime when ever you needed to set it up to boost the bacteria.
Could I pull 2 or 3 pounds of sand/substrate out of my display tank and seed the QT tank with that?

I will probably leave the QT tank up and running for about a year. I'll be stocking my reef over the next 12 months and I plan to QT everything that comes through the door from now on.

I'm not adding too many fish to my display tank, so I mostly need to QT inverts. But, I was reading that it can take up to 6 weeks to break the life cycle of ICH if I happen to get a fish that is infected with that. I'd really like to have it set up with at least a minimal bacteria colony to save myself from daily water changes.

I have a small nano skimmer that I could use in the QT tank. Can you skim out medicine? Like, let's say I have another zoa colony with eggs or parasites--I need to dose the tank with iodine--would I need to turn the skimmer off during that time to avoid removing the medicine?

I was all happy and proud of my new reef tank. Then this happened and it just got complicated. Not to mention more expensive.

Am I worrying over nothing?
Iodine shouldnt cause a skimmer to go crazy,but meds for things like ick sure will.
If you happen to end up with an ick infected fish,you treat him with hypo-salinity.Just drop the salinity slowly to around 1.019 to 1.017.Leave it low for a couple of weeks,the slowly raise it back to match your DT.
The ick parasite is an invert that cant deal with low salinity.
Once I get my 90 up and rolling I will be making my 12glaaon aquapod into a qt tank... Since all the filtration is built in, it will be a cinch...
Skimmers will remove iodine or medication.A skimmer in a QT isn't recommended nor carbon.Thats if you're using it as a hospital tank.Using it as a true QT then you can use a skimmer if you like but most don't.

IMO,Ick will always be present.Stocking slowly and making sure your fish get a proper diet will prevent outbreaks.This is a disclaimer,Iodine is use to treat bacterial/fungal infections on fish/corals.It does nothing for predators.

Rc,I use a ten gallon with a simple PC light,HOT filter,and heater.Personally,I keep it up until I get to the point when no more fish are introduce.When I'm done I take it down.I don't QT corals....my worry is they won't survive the usual 2-3wks without the proper lighting.I freshwater dip zoas before introducing and iodine dip for other softies/LPS.Brown jelly disease(fungal) can be devastating to corals.
Hospital tank? :shock:

Well, what I wanted was just a simple tank that had some minimal filtration. I planned to use it for new additions. My timeframe for QT was about 1 month per animal.

I guess, if any of the new additions show signs of sickness, I'd have to consider it a hospital tank and treat them with chemicals or, in the case of ICH, hyposalinity as Yote suggests.

I think I'll just get the 36w PC light for it. This 12" unit should be fine for a 5.5g tank. Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Dual Satellite Compact Fluorescent Fixtures

Or maybe this one:
12" Aqualight w/2-18W 50/50 Str. Pin Fluor (ESU)

Drop the HOB Whisper 20 on the back.
Whisper 20 Power Filter

Put a couple pounds of sand in the bottom.

Heater, of course.

Maybe a min-jet powerhead for some flow. Maybe not.

Probably drop some PVC pipe in there for hiding places.

Nano skimmer. Use it when I need it.

That sound okay?
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I don't plan to have it setup as a QT tank forever. I hope to have the reef stocked in the next year or 16 months.
Then I'm going to turn this 5.5g into a NANO REEF!! :bounce: :^: