The good news thread from a noob!


Reefing newb
So we see a lot of "Oh no!! X is screwed up, what do I do now" kind of threads. So this is one, from a noob to let you know things can go good. My water is stable, my fish, snails and starfish are all doing well. Heaters are heatin', skimmer is skimmin' and pump is pumpin'. I have a little bit of a Diatom bloom, but the snails and starfish are taking care of it.

Water changes were a bit of a challenge to start with. With a little thought and creativity, I have them down pat now. Mixing water, spot on every time. So, to all you other newcomers, don't worry, issues will arise, just don't panic and things can work out fine.

FWIW, I'm going to take a look at a Clown fish today. I saw him a week and a half ago at the LFS and has to be the prettiest one I have ever seen. If he is still there today, he is coming home to live here!
Yay! Good news thread. Happy for you guys. My new clown is riding the powerhead current, looks like he taught the chromis too as well, they line up, and wheeeee. I've seen people post that theirs does this and never knew how fun it could be to watch.
What kind of clown Nonfamous? Post a pic if you get him!
Good thread! Nice to see that you are enjoying the hobby and spreading the joy. My fish came out for breakfast this morning and ate like hungry hungry hippos lol.
I can see my eel tank from my bed, when I woke up she was looking right at me like, "I've been up all night, nice to see you're finally up!" Haha it was great :p
Yay! Good news thread. Happy for you guys. My new clown is riding the powerhead current, looks like he taught the chromis too as well, they line up, and wheeeee. I've seen people post that theirs does this and never knew how fun it could be to watch.
What kind of clown Nonfamous? Post a pic if you get him!

The LFS guys called it a Snowflake Clown. Its actually a Ocellaris Clownfish with a little extra white on it. (Like I'm an expert on these things!) As pretty as I have ever seen. Once I get it acclimated, I'll see if I can get a picture. Yeah, I know, I need a quarantine tank!
He was $125. He. well, I'm calling it a HE since I only have one. He is still acclimating.

Here is my tank:

And the Clown: