The Amazing Psycho Mandarin Goby


Reef enthusiast
I was adding a little phyto to my 10gal under-the-stand refuge (separate from main tank, not circulated) which I grow pods and chaeto, when much to my surprise, I see my psychedelic mandarin swimming around and having a ball feasting on the pods! He must have backflipped out of the main tank, bounced off the wall, and somehow landed in the fuge, which the edge is a couple inches inside of the bottom of the stand! I was TOTALLY shocked to see this! J
Thank goodness he's ok, b/c I checked the salinity of the fuge and it's off the charts, guess I've been neglecting top offs for a while:shock:
Just wanted to share...
my very first diamong goby did that for the longest i toyght he was dead until i for some reason looked in the fish and saw a sand cloud and yep their he was

i think what happed in mine was he went throu the overflow box the thru he tubes going down lol
Yeah I just about jumped thru the roof when I saw a fish in my one tank that only has pods and algae! Now I'm nervous to see if he jumps again, there's no way he'd make that a second time, it was truly a one in a thousand shot.
another crazy story when i had mt freshwater

i had a peacock eel and also after about a month it dissappered well after moving the gravel cleaning the gravel and checking for a carcass nothing came up so about a month ,later i decide to buy another one well after reading that UWF are bad in a system i decid to remove mine and guess what came out my ORIGINAL peecock eel i was amazed that i lived for so long UNDER the UWF and he was FAT (he had lasted about 2 months under the filter)he lasted for about 8 months in my tank and recently he died

out of my original FW fish i only have 2 left a pleco (duh) which when i got him he was abou 1/4 inch big (they sold it to me as a Dwarf pleco at petsmart ) and an angel fish that got in a fight with another andgel and lost a "leg" but my plecdo is now about 6-7" big and my angel is a full grown saint
(get it angel ...saint hehe:mrgreen:)i made a funy
I've dug my mandrine out of the over flow till I'm sick of digging him out.So next time I go digging,his butts going back to the store.
That's the sort of thing that my parents always used to tell me when they patiently listened to my inane stories, even though in retrospect I realize that they couldn't have cared less.

I'm not implying that you don't care about the mandarin story, nor is it an inane story to begin with at all, but that's exactly what my parents used to say to me.