Test Kits

Test! Test! Test! Wouldn't if be great if someone invented a device which you could put one sample into and it would tell everything! I for one do get tired of always testing...it's the part of this hobby I don't enjoy.
Very true. I once added "purple up" every day to bring up my calcium. Never tested it for weeks. Finally tested my water and I was at 670. oops...
So far i have the PH Nitrate and Ammonia- how often should I test and how often do i perform water changes. Remember the tank is only 14 gals. So the next kit I get is Calcium.
Wouldn't if be great if someone invented a device which you could put one sample into and it would tell everything!

The good news is, there's already a device that can test the majority of what we're interested in. It's called an ion-exchange chromatograph (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_chromatography), and they actually work pretty well, once they're all set up and calibrated and such. Unfortunately, they're high maintenance instruments, and cost on the order of 5K for even the cheapest ones. Plus they're much bigger than the test kits we use, and not exactly the easiest things to operate. And you'd still have to test your pH separately, anyway. :P Nothing's perfect.... but if you really hated testing, this -is- one way to get around most of it.