test kits


Reef enthusiast
What does everyone use for test kits? I currently have API and find them very hard to read, and it seems like they vary wildly from LFS. I would like to pick up a new alk test, I would like something accurate and easy to read. So many of these tests seem to be such slight changes in colour, I can't tell the difference. Whats everyones choice for tests?
Here lately I've using the SeaChem kits for calcium and magnesium.But their pretty pricey.34 buck for the calcium kit.
I use API for the basic ammonia,nitrite,nitrate and pH.

I use the Salifert for calcium and akalinity.There has been some internal problems with the company,lately.I'm not sure what's going on with the company.
Like Freak, I've always used Salifert, but apparently they've recently had problems with bad batches of test kits. People are recommending LaMotte instead.

I still use some Red Sea and API test kits. Basically, all the color test kits are all the same -- to me they all can be difficult to read. But the liquid drop tests are still more accurate than the dip sticks.
Hey Biffer (and others), for my benefit, as well as the OP, are there any options other than the color liquid tests? I don't consider the dip sticks to be an option.

Hey Biffer (and others), for my benefit, as well as the OP, are there any options other than the color liquid tests? I don't consider the dip sticks to be an option.


For certain tests, there are electronic probes... They are expensive (in the hundreds), but accurate. Most people don't consider the added cost worth it except for very hard-core reefers.
Just a little heads up for anyone who used Salifert and couldn't find them. I guess whatever problems they had are under control. They are in stock, or at least show in stock, at MD and Dr F&S.
I have API for nitrite,nitrates,ammonia,and PH. I use Seachem for Magnesium,Alkalinity,and Calcium. Which test the same as LFS results.
Yea, Salifert came out with some bad batches and a recall was ordered, they have everything under control, but it did switch a lot of people, myself included. I use lamotte now for alkalinity and calcium and a Hanna colorimeter for phosphates, thats all I test since my pH is digital and my nitrates are never able to be seen, makes things easy. Elos is another very good test company, people seem to get good results from them.