test kit


Reefing newb
I need to purchase a test kit for my 29 biocube and need to know which one to buy. Also should I get a test stripe one or one that you put drops in the sample.
welcome to the forum. You should definitely go with the droppers. is it a brand new tank im assuming? if so make sure you buy the test kit that covers the basics. Ammonia, ph, nitrate, nitrite.
For the money you can't beat the API test kits. The saltwater master test kit will test all your basic water parameters (pH, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates). When you're ready to keep corals you can get the reef master test kit which test other thing like calcium, hardness, etc. And if you don't have one get a refractometer to test your waters salinity
thanks for the advise. Yes this is a new tank 1 month , biocube 29 with cpr sr3 skimmer and hydor koralia2 pomer head. 30lbs live rock and live sand
I use the API kits for the basic test-pH,ammonia,nitrite and nitrate.They are cheap and work pretty well.

For the more critical test calcium,magnesium and akalinity.I use Salifert and ELOS.