temperature helppppppp


Proud ocelot owner!
ok im not running a heater and my tem goes to 75 degrees at night and during the day it gets up to 82.4,how do i get this more stable im afraid its goin to get much hotter,today it was 108 outside without heat index,my freind said there were chillers tht do the opposite as heaters and cool down how much do these run? and r they big cause i only have an 11g.help i dont want to boil any of my fish or anything please help
Put a small fan blowing across the top of the tank, install it on a timer so that it comes on during the time of day that the temp starts to rise.
Chillers cost hundreds of dollars. You don't want or need a chiller.

Instead get a heater and set it to 80 or so. Then your tank will be between 80 and 82 at all times, and that will be fine.

If you want to make it cooler, then set the heater to 76 or 78, and do as PRC said -- have a fan blowing across the water.
+1 Biffs first post.

Personally, I bought a $30 window air conditioner from craigslist and put that in the room with my tank, and put my heater on 78*
fastrd tht sunds nice lol,no 418 aquarium tank is the brand and my area code is 918,biff thts true now days my lil brother skateboards and the skate shop has a clothing line called the 918 its really cheesy,he has a shirt tht says dont hate cause i skate tha 918,sorry i think im mucking but if i run a heater wont it get hotter than what i set it because im not even using 1 right now
Using a heater will not effect your top end temp it will just help the large temp swings. Say you set it for 80*, instead of swinging way down to 75* at night it will stay at 80* then maybe raise to 82.5* during the day. Therefore reducing your temp swings from 7.5* daily down to 2.5* daily which is way more tolerable for your marine inhabitants.

using a fan with the heater might decrease that swing even more.

EDIT: too slow! xD