Tank Temp


Reefing newb
I cant seem to get my tank temp below 79,i unplugged my heater my lights run 12 hrs a day.The house temp is around 71.My lights are Nova T5 Pro, Six Light Configuration,3 blue 3 white.Temp seems to stay around 79 to 80 sometimes 81.The lights have fans on them.Is this to high of a temp?
i run my tank at 80, though i might scale back a little. as long as your temp doesnt swing too much and it's not above 82 or below....76 i think, it should be ok.
Yeah my tank stays around 80 degrees too. It's weird, a lot of fish on liveaquaria.com recommend temp from 72-78. But in reality I dont know of anyone with a marine aquarium under 79...
That's not a problem. As long as your temperature stays within a few degrees over a 24 hours period, you're fine. It's large temperature swings that are bad for the animals. Mine gets as high as 82 or 83 every day.