Stock List for Operation Nemo (my 180)


The Tang Herder
Fellow Reefers, I've come up with a stock list for my tank with the help of my LFS and a friend of mine, and I wanted to get feedback from you all

Tank has been up since September and currently has the following, all levels are currently stable - Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, minimal algae in display tank, but I am seeing some growth of the Chaeto in the 'fuge

3 Green Chromis
1 Yellow Tail Damsel
2 Tank Raised Ocellaris Clowns
1 Sailfin Tang

I am also thinking the following
Naso Tang
Powder Blue Tank or Blue Tang (Wife LOVES this fish, and she's letting my have my one of these probably needs to make it into the tank)
Coral Beauty Angel
Mandarin (but not until I have a healthy supply of pods in the tank)

Does that list look okay? Too much, too little? Anyone think the Sailfin would have issues with a Naso or a Blue?

Also, if the list looks good, which fish should I add next? A Local store has a 5 inch Naso for $40, and the employees were talking about making a tag because they were putting him on sale to make room for new stock...
That stock list looks fine. Not too many by a longshot!

Powder blue tangs are tough fish though. I would not recommend one unless you have quarantined and treated all your current fish and you know they are ich-free. And then you have to quarantine and treat all future fish. If you get a powder blue, they are such weak fish that they seem to just drop dead of ich very easily. If you like the blue (regal or hippo) tang as well, go with that fish instead of the powder blue.
No love for angelfish?! Just kidding, I love tangs too. Yeah, I'd skip the Powder Blue also. I've seen a couple at my LFS and they never looked too active.

P.S. - I'm always jealous of the members with 100+ gal tanks
So, knowing that I have a sailfin currently, should the Hippo or the Naso be added next? I think the Naso is the meanest of the three, which means he should be the last one in the tank right?
The sailfin is pretty good size, he's probably a good 4 inches or so

I saw a Naso locally thats about 5 inches and they were asking $40 for him, but he was going to go on sale - but it sounds like I need to add the Blue Tang first

Thanks for the help!
You could try adding them at the same time. Just wait for the Naso to go on sale. Also think if your tank can handle the bio load. I'm still jealous of you man
Yes they are very pretty indeed,but pretty common ,whenever people say they have an angel ,its usually an emp.....i like the french a lot because of its colors (black and gold:D),thats why i got a clown trigg too:lol: he's my steeler fish
I was under the impression that large angels are not reef safe...I understand its a 50/50 with the dwarf angels, but at least you have the 50% chance with them...
Well,like our good friend Yote likes to say,its 50/50 with all and any fish...just thought if your willing to risk an angel anyway,why not go big:lol:.....
I'm able to keep mushrooms,rics,duncans,leathers,frog spawn and hammer coral with my Koran....,but he has eaten,xenia,and colt coral
So, knowing that I have a sailfin currently, should the Hippo or the Naso be added next? I think the Naso is the meanest of the three, which means he should be the last one in the tank right?

Actually,naso and hippo tangs are both peaceful tangs even with other tangs usually.Either one will work,it's the sailfin that might be aggressive towards them.