starting up a 75 gallon saltwater


Reefing newb
Hoping to start our 75 gallon saltwater tank within the week. Going shopping to switch out my crushed coral with sand after seeing all the post that crushed coral wasn't a good substrate. Any suggestion on type of sand and size? I don't want a deep bed, probably an inch or 2, how much do you think we will need ?
75g. with a two inch bed should be around 75lbs (roughly) go with whatever is the next step up from sugar. mine moves around to much and I don't have that much flow and I'm always tweeking my heads around.
Is it ok to sprinkle the crushed coral over the 2 " of live sand, just lightly without being a problem? Also have a question on how to run our lighting once we start up our tank? Our live rock has alot of kenya tree coral already on it and also a hammer coral. I have seen so many lighting schedules so need to know the best time to run the blue lights and the best to run the white and blue daytime lights.

A few pics of the live rock we bought that had alot of Kenya tree coral.


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My actinic lights are on for 10 hours a day the whites are on for 8. So blue comes on a hour before and is on a hour after the whites. I have mine start coming on at noon. This works for me and my work schedule because it gives me the most time when I am home to see the tank. I am running a 4 bulb t5 light setup. Depending on your lights power and how you a have light acclimated everything in your tank it could be different.