speed up the cycle

one thing in this hobby to learn is never to share water from another tank, even corals in water need to be "flushed" by drip acclimation, you want parasites? thats the quickest way to get them (practice safe reefing lol)
There really is nothing you can do to speed up your cycle. Plus nothing good in this hobby happens fast.

Dont worry, it will get to the end of the cycle before you know. Plan your stocking list, that is always fun
Also its not a good idea to speed up the cycle. You want the bacteria to have a chance to populate so when you put in your first fish and CUC the tank can handle the bioload. Now there are ways to jump start the cycle, but you have to let it complete in its own time.
Most of the bacteria in our tanks is not in the water column -- it's in the rocks and sand. So using water from another tank won't really make a difference.
Adding live rocks and live sand would help, but it doesn't mean you won't have a cycle. But some people won't have a cycle if there's no die off....then again, others have die off and will have a cycle anyway. Patience is the key with everything in this hobby.
i remember when i was waitting for my tank to cycle, i would check it like every 5 hrs and nothing was happening for like 3 weeks. i realized that i need to add sand and live rock man i felt like an idiot but shortly after that i was adding snails and crabs (at that time i didnt know the crabs would eat my snails lol)