sooo confusing


i allready now alot about salinity but there are some things i just want to know. to start off, tempture and salinity, how does it work, how does temp affect salinity, how does the temp of the water affect the reading of a refractometer to get an acurate reading. what even really is salinity??? thanks for all help :)
salinity is just the amount of dissovled salt in your water, to my knowledge i dont think temp can change salinity but i could be wrong, if your temp is between 76-80 id say you should get a accurate reading,
There is a difference between salinity and specific gravity.Salinity never changes regardless of temperature.Specific gravity(SG) does,hot air rises,cold air sinks is why temperature affects SG reading.

Get a refractometer,more accurate and you won't have to try to convert temp. to SG.
i never new that salinity and specific gravity were diffrent, when i am measuring with a refractometer or a hydromiter am i testing the specific gravity or salinity. thamks for that new info
Specific gravity is the measurement of the density of the water. Pure water has a density of 1.000. As you add solubles to the water such as salt the density increases thus your goal readings of 1.023-1.026 in a reef aquarium. This reading is typically shown by the use of a hydrometer.
Salinity is the measure of the amount of salt, specifically, in your water and is read in ppm with a goal between 28 and 35. This is seem in a refractometer which measures the amount that light is bent when shown through a specific liquid. As with specific gravity and hydrometers, refractometers can give readings on any liquid and solute dissolved in that liquid. Fortunately for us we are operating under specified conditions so we know what solutes and solvents we are looking at (i.e. salt and water). Sorry if this is more than you were looking for.
Most refractometers automatically correct for temperature, so you don't need to think about it. And most also come with scales to read both the salinity and specific gravity. Those are just two of the advantages that refractometers have over hydrometers.