Something mauled my starfish!


Reefing newb
I had a red fromia starfish in my tank. While I was watching it, I noticed my first little crab-like hitchhiker in my rock. The starfish was covering a hole in which the crab was living. It kept pushing out rocks and debris from the hole but I didn't think much of it. Tonight, I got home and my starfish had one of its legs half off. I picked it up assuming it is dead and the bottom is all fleshy and torn apart. How do I really know that it is dead? I am pretty certain that it is just by the way it looks all torn apart. Any specific way?
Starfish will often come back from the legs, if part of the disk (body) is still attached to the leg. I had a serpent star lose all five legs once, and not only did the disk grow back all five legs, but all of the legs that had fallen off grew into new serpent stars too. If the leg was broken off halfway, then it probably won't turn into a new starfish. But the starfish should grow the missing leg back with no problem.
The disk on the feeding side is all torn up though. Right in the dead center of the body. I will wait til the morning to see if it happens to move around but hopefully it is okay. Thanks Biff
That's what happened to my serpent star! It had a giant hole in the center of its body. It's guts were spilling out everywhere. It still survived...somehow...
I also had a serpent it was eaten in the center and the legs were torn off, still lived but was scared it would die and pollute the tank so I took it out. peace of mind
I'm thinking the same. Looks like something in the middle of the night was snacking on it, the center of the star is turning white, the red flesh is peeling off. I have no idea what is going on.
Quarentine it. That will protect it from further attacks and it will also protect the rest of your tank if it does happen to die.
yup. QT if you can. starfish are amazingly hardy and will overcome much munching before giving up the ghost. Good luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish: