Something I Read On Another Forum


Certified Master Stylist
I read on a local forum here in Florida that A LOT of hobbyists actually dig their own sand off the beach AND fill their tanks with ocean water that they get themselves. They also said a lot of LFS near the beaches of Florida sell real sea water not mixed. The thought never occurred to me that the salt water I bought by the gallon could have come from the ocean!!! I just thought they mixed it, you know? I guess I'm just curious what do you all think.
A lot of people do that, but beaches can be pretty polluted -- jet skis and boats dump a lot of oil into water. If you want to collect your own water, you should try to collect it off shore, and not from the surface. Try to collect your sand in an area that doesn't get a lot of traffic or pollution as well.
The thought never crossed my mind to collect myself like that! I was just... Startled I suppose. I COULD. I have a boat but geez sounds like hassle to me!!! It's my understanding that the ocean water sold by LFS is pumped from a good ways offshore so I guess it's ok to buy. I bought 6 gallons and as far as I know had no problems. This was weeks ago.
Yeah I was thinking about getting sand also. I live right near Clearwater but I am just going to buy it in a bag.

Too lazy to go get it haha plus I feel better just getting it. I mean I just don't think trying to save a few bucks is worse than potential problems just in case.

I was however interested in visiting the shrimping docks because people have told me they always have nice tropical fish. The probably get them from bait fishing but not sure.
I was however interested in visiting the shrimping docks because people have told me they always have nice tropical fish. The probably get them from bait fishing but not sure.
Did you? That never occurred to me either and my husband does a lot of work on some commercial vessels out of Mayport which is a big shrimping community near his marina. Don't know what they could bring in or if it would be a good idea? They most likely come up in the nets not by bait fishing
No and no.

I mean I would not just put something in my tank they gave me.

I would probably put it in another holding tank till I can see.

I have ZERO experience with fish at this point but I am sure someone here would know.

I just got the idea from my brother who has friends that had tanks and got fish that way.
There are some regulations regarding that kind of thing, on the other hand if you did bring fish in that way you would need to know a few things, like the fish you are adding, probability of bringing in disease or other biological problem. Also, its generally looked down upon harvesting in an irresponsible way. Though I think you could probably find something that way... I would avoid it though even if you were careful safe and quarantined the livestock, just for the last reason.
Personally I wouldn't want fish like that but I do know that anything in the boats that they can't use commercially they toss to the seagulls and pelicans that hang out on the docks. I've watched them do it when I was watching him work on a commercial vessel.
Anything taken directly from the ocean might have parasites in it that kill all your fish but so could stuff from your LFS. A good LFS will have fewer problems.

You may wish to visit a rock quarry in FL. There are many that have coral rock that you can cure yourself and save a lot of money.
I read on a local forum here in Florida that A LOT of hobbyists actually dig their own sand off the beach AND fill their tanks with ocean water that they get themselves. They also said a lot of LFS near the beaches of Florida sell real sea water not mixed. The thought never occurred to me that the salt water I bought by the gallon could have come from the ocean!!! I just thought they mixed it, you know? I guess I'm just curious what do you all think.

Another forum? :shock: See the trouble that gets you into. :nono:
There are several LFS in S. California that sell water collected from the ocean. But they go all the way out to the Catalina area to collect it. Still, you never know what could be in that water...
There are several LFS in S. California that sell water collected from the ocean. But they go all the way out to the Catalina area to collect it. Still, you never know what could be in that water...
That's why I was so startled to hear about it. At least you know what you get when you mix your own
A lot of places that collect and sell seawater for aquariums also filter the water to try and remove anything detrimental to aquariums.

Catalina Water Companies Website said:
Pure clean seawater is received at our modern processing and storage facility in Long Beach, California where it is filtered extensively, treated with UV Sterilization & Ozone, buffered for pH, and tested prior to shipment.