so my clown died/or murdered


Dude Dude DUDE!!!!!!
i come home and like always i serch for my fish ,well today i saw my powder brown swimming like always and i notice the coral banded walking under a rock, but nemo was nowhere i noticed a small orange thing under the sand i tought it was a shell or something so im still looking for nemo well yep you guessed it that WAS nemo :shock:

PARENTAL ADVISORY :look at own risk


so now im wondering WHO took a BIG bite of em ??????????>|<

i mean thats a big chunk id understand a nip but this
What kind of cleaner crew do you have? Im guessing the coral banded shrimp was a big contributor. After a fish dies it can only take hours if not minutes to get cleaned up with an effective cleaner crew.
He could have died of natural causes, or someone could have killed him. How big is the power brown tang? Any other fish or inverts in your tank? When my 6-line wrasse died I never even found a body for closure.
powder is about 3''-3.5" i have a CBS, 2 peppermint and a hermit thats about 2inches plus 3 turbos snail

TOO MUCH???????

im thinking about getting the CBS out and exchanging for fire shrimp
I am not sure on what really happened, maybe biff or someone will chime in with some answers. But I have been warned that the coral banded shrimp will eat fish. Was your clown sick at all prior to the death?
The coral banded could very well have killed the clownfish if theres anyway possible for to catch it.
Not to mention the fact that as soon as something dies,shrimp and crabs of all kinds will make a meal out of it.A lot of times,they'll actually start the feast before the death actually happens.
I'm sorry to hear about it also... It's hard to say what happened. That IS a really big chunk for any of your animals. I figure that's just where the cleaner crew started munching.
isn't that the same clown that you left in your tank during your cycle? If so it may have succumb to that issue even though it is over. Then your other fish/cleaners went at him.
true but he didnt show signs of ANYTHING at all he was an active swimmer would jump at the food when i feed him i mean weird but you may be right