So happy

I went to my fish store and they had a good price in on a 125g tank and stand and glass top,and dual t5 lights..for $ i put it on layaway..and soon i have it..i need to make room for the new happy..
i was thinking a power blue...but...idk yet...i want to make i list can some one help me...what i need help with is how to put the in in what order....right now i a have a Porcupine Puffer and a pajama....wend i get my 125g..i want to get a blue hipo,power blue,yellow tang,foxface,Triggerfish,Butterflys,angel fish,and some small fish to make it look what order...sorry my english is not that
All of those fish would do well in a 125. Figure about 12 to 15 fish for a tank that size, depending on how big they are. If you plan on keeping a reef tank, most butterflies and angels are not reef safe.

Add the most peaceful fish first - foxface would be a good first fish.
All the tangs are different types colors and somewhat colors. I reccomend adding the pbt last of all tangs. Acanthurus tangs can be very territorial and aggressive. So this way the others will be established.
Really ,damsels.....
If you want damsels ,then get a couple triggers too:mrgreen:....won't matter when they go in then.....
Why do you want all damsels? They will probably end up killing each other off one by one, since they are so aggressive towards each other, and other fish.