Skimmer / Sump setup help


Reefing newb
This is my first sump setup, sorry if it sounds a bit simple, bare with me. I have a Octopus NW-110 Vortex in the sump with a Resun king-8F return pump.

Where should the sumps water level be? eg when I turn off the tank it floods the sump giving me a water level (half way up the sump) where should the water line be?

I just transferred my blue tang (Paracanthurus hepatus), Ocellaris Clown, Tomato Clown and Valentine Puffer over to the newly cycled main tank with 30kg of live rock and a live sand base. Question is: where does the water level pipe for the skimmer have to sit? i am having trouble determining where the bubbles on the cup should be, it keeps either not producing enough bubbles / foam to get the top of the cup or it produces to much resulting in the cup filling with water. Not sure where the happy medium is ?

Any light or ideas on these sujects would be greatly helpful. Thanks
The skimmer should sit in a section of your sump that is seperated by baffles so the water level in that section stays the same level. Octo skimmer work best when they sit in about 8" of water.
The skimmer can take up to 2-3 weeks to break in and really start producing any skimmate. The "line" where the bubbles and foam meet should be somewhere around 1/2 up the neck of the skimmer. Once it's all broken in and running good, you can adjust it to skim wet or dry by either raising or lowering the "line".
Capts got you covered on the skimmer.
I like to keep the level in my sump,to where when I turn my pump off the flow back leaves a 3 or 4 inches below the rim.
If you dont want any flow back into the sump,then you will need to add a check valve in the return line.Or drill a 1/8" to 1/4" hole just above the water line on your return plumbing.