

Reefing newb
Hi there, I am getting ready to re-setup my salt tank again and I need to know a few things. I have a 30 gallon glass oceanic cube tank, (not a biocube), and I have my wave makers, maxi jet powerheads, and a protein skimmer. I do not have a filter for it though. Do I need one, or what? I have heard that your LR is your filter. Also, if I do need one, I have limited space so how are the skilters? What are your thoughts? Also, I have heard mixed reviews on the argonite, live sand vs regular sand, and etc. When all id said and done, I am looking to keep clownfish, gobies, and possibly chromis. Let me know, thanks.

You are correct about the live rock -- you do not need a filter. Especially if you have a protein skimmer. Protein skimmer and live rock will do the filtering for you.

Buy aquarium sand -- if by 'regular sand' you mean play sand or sand you get at the hardware store, then don't buy that kind. Stick with an aragonite based sand instead. But you don't need to spend the extra money on live sand. Once it's in your tank with live rock, the sand will become live fast enough on its own.
Yeah, you can use regular aquarium sand. Just do not use "crushed coral substrate" -- those chunks are larger and sharper than sand and can lead to problems with water quality.
Thanks a lot that information helps. I have three powerheads how many does my 30 gallon need? Also, what is the best position to put them in? A couple other things, where does the protein skimmer go and what type of light system would you use for a 30 gallon? I know there are a lot of questions but, I have forgotten how I put everything in the tank. How does everything fit in an aquarium this size? Yikes.
For a 30 gallon, you should be fine with one or two. Most people put them in the back corners, facing diagonally towards the front of the tank. You want them to be slightly high up in the tank, so that they create a ripple on the surface of the water.

Most people with saltwater tanks have sumps -- a second tank connected to your display tank. The sumps hold most of the equipment because you can run out of space fast. ;)
What size sump tank would I need for that? I have a 20 gallon hexagon that I could use. Also, I have no idea how the sumps/refugiums work. I thought that I did a good job with my first salt tank that I had and now all of this new stuff, man. My salt tank that I had before was great, but, due to a truck hitting an electrical transformer I lost everything! It wiped out my whole tank as we were out of electricity for a few days. It sucked bad. Oh I almost forgot, what type of heater do I need? I have heaters, but, I do not know if those will work.