

Reefing newb
I have a nanocube and already have a peppermint shrimp in it. My question is would it be ok to add a different kind of shrimp and how many could go in the tank peacefully? Would a coral bandit or cleaner shrimp be a good canidate? And a question about feeding mysis shrimp. How often should I feed my tank with one fish, one shrimp, and a 11 man clean up crew. Fourth/half a cube a day? Every other day?

Thanks for all the help!!!!
A coral banded shrimp has a good chance of killing your other shrimp (and even fish). The cleaner shrimp should get along fine with it though.

With one fish, I wouldn't feed your fish more than a quarter cube once a day, or even every other day. Start off once a day, and if the fish eats it all, keep it that way. If a lot of the food seems to go to waste, cut back to once every other day.
11 gal nano could house a small shrimp like a pistol shrimp and you could pair it up with a goby too. that would be interesting.