Should I use carbon or no?


Totally Gnar
Soon I'll be upgrading my sump from a 10g to a 20-25g and I'll be installing baffles with a fuge etc, the whole deal.
Right now I'm running a wet/dry to suppliment my low amount of live rock, right now I only have about 45 lbs in a 55 gallon, and I plan on having at least 80 lbs for my final product. Needless to say, I'll be ditching the wet/dry once I have things the way I want them. But should I still run carbon in the first section of my sump? Or should I just get a ton of LR rubble or live sand to put in there? I'd like to be as cost-effective as possible.
test your water, my guess is you wont need it. if you do need it, running carbon will help but it wont solve the real problem.
I'm combating algae on my 10g frag tank. I'm running carbon in a small Rapids canister filter. I clean the canister and change the carbon every 3 days.

I don't run carbon on my 30g tank very often. Maybe once a month for 2 or 3 days and then I remove it.

It DOES make the water look crystal clear.
From what I gather there's no good reason NOT to run carbon along with the rock.
I mean, it won't hurt anything as long as I clean it out every few days right?
Well, some studies have shown that running carbon 24/7 can contribute to head and lateral line erosion (HLLE) in fish. So if your fish start showing up with holes in their sides, you should probably stop the carbon ;)