Should I Get Rid of


Certified Master Stylist
The Florida crushed coral? I topped my live sand with it 3 weeks ago and mixed it up. I kind of like it what with all the small shells and the texture but I remember reading a thread on here about getting rid of nasty crushed coral lol. I've read too many threads!
Also I have a HOB filter with the carbon insert. I read on Catherines Deco thread that she tossed the insert and put LR rubble and chaeto in there instead. Would that work for my particular set up? I'm constantly pulling and cleaning the filter pack. Thanks in advance you awesome peeps!
The substrate you have in there will work just fine. No need to worry about that. You can also ditch the HOB filter or change it into a mini refugium with LR and Chaeto.
Yep, I would get rid of the crushed coral and just do all sand...and that's also correct that you can turn your HOB filter to a mini refugium.
It's really up to you ... While there can be more issues with crushed coral, as long as you don't have sand sifter fish and it doesn't get disturbed you should be ok. I have something similar to crushed coral in my NC and it's run just fine for almost a year now.
You would need a light though over the fuge. I don't know what kind though.

I've got a lamp that's taller than the tank and is nice and flexible. I could put a fluorescent in there and shine it right down on the fuge. Does that sound feasible ???
Yeah, I ship to Hawaii. I even ship to Canada!
Woohoo Biff!!! Now I just set it up :) found a great LFS not far from Dana's work. I got some LR rubble and some chaeto. Garaunteed free of something ( bubble algae?) had to put one of the chunks of rubble under my van tire to crush it! The rest of it I put in my tank, pulled a 'hurricane' and changed my aquascape. It just wasn't attractive to me lol now it's much better!!!! Tanks a little cloudy but that's ok. I put that reading lamp up over the refugium. Perfect fit!!!
You can ditch the HOB filter but I would NOT ditch the carbon. Some marine bioligists have said carbon performs a very important job in removing a build up of heavy metals that can cause mystrious fish and invert deaths. I always run carbon.
You can ditch the HOB filter but I would NOT ditch the carbon. Some marine bioligists have said carbon performs a very important job in removing a build up of heavy metals that can cause mystrious fish and invert deaths. I always run carbon.

So do I just add carbon to the LR rubble? I remember when I had FW, doing the carbon then the floss on top :)