Sea Hare


Reef pro
Scientific name - Aplysia sp.

Family - Aplysidae

Common name – Dwarf Sea hare

Max Size – 12 in (27 cm)

Range - Indo-Pacific

Care Level – Difficult

Temperament – Peaceful

Foods and feeding – This nudibranch will eat algae in the aquarium but prefers to eat species of Caulerpa algae.

Aquarium suitability -

Reef compatibility – Yes

Captive care – This nudibranch requires a large aquarium with shaded portions. It likes a large sandbed and live rock on which to graze. If the Sea Hare eats all the available algae you can supplement its diet, or consider moving it to a new algae filled aquarium. If startled it can release a purple dye, which is toxic and will need to be removed immediately, usually by an activated carbon filter. Like all inverts, nudibranches require pristine water conditions and small amounts of nitrates or copper are fatal to them.
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