sea hare


Reefing newb
so i just got my sea hare from one of my local reefers who was done with it... since i acclimated him he hasnt moved. he just kinda drifted to the bottom and floppe dover and is in the same spot hes been in for quite a while...still acclimating? dead? dying? totally normal? hahah just wanna be sure cause ive never had one
How did you acclimate him? The drip method over time should've been fine. Just keep checking on him periodically, he may just be in a lil' shock from the move, they're pretty hardy.
heh me just over reacting again... he had been in the same spot for like an hour and i just checked and he was on the opposite side of the tank
haha and now hes burried himself in the sand... i didnt know they did that. hes probably overwhelmed by how much algae there is for him to destroy..