Say goodbye, aiptasias!


Reef enthusiast
At least, I hope :)
Here's my new Klein's Butterfly. Supposed to be great aiptasia eaters, and hopefully not hungry for stony polyps :shock:
My buddy had one and swears by them as extremely effective eradicators of these devils. My copperbanded butterfly worked great, but they're tough to keep.
So far, I haven't seen it eat anything (been 24 hrs), but it's very active and looks healthy. What do you think guys?

So just a quick update: I cannot find a single aiptasia now. Well over 15 large ones, vanished. I actually caught the butterfly destroying one this week in the act. It was beautiful! I have not seen it nip a single coral either. Also eats pellets and frozen foods eagerly. This fish gets my endorsement for effective aiptasia eradication.
Very good choice, I hope you are successful with the new addition. congrats. as for the corals, keep the fish well fed and maybe, just maybe you can do it. keep us posted.