Sand or crushed shells

Sand. Crushed shells will trap debris and uneaten food, turning into a nitrate sink. Plus it's harder on sand dwelling animals such as snails and gobies.
That is what I was afraid of. Already set up tank with shells. Was noticing snails not cleaning well and just looking bad. Oh well, needed a project to go along with adding new rock and gluing it all in place. Wifey will love this one!!
I am going to be switching out my shells for dead sand. Any reco's for how to do it? I am going to be adding about 20lbs of dead rock at the same time to being my quantity in line with recommended amounts.

Any reason to not do it all at the same time?
Do you have any fish in the tank already? If not, I would do it all at one time. If you have animals, you don't want to mess up your water quality, so you should replace the crushed coral with sand gradually, a few cups at a time.
I'm gonna have to say sand too.. from everything I've been told and read online CC is not good to have. We're having to take our CC back this weekend to get more sand.
I have 3 fish and a couple urchins, multiple snails and a shrimp. For time/sanity sake (and home-life harmony) I need to do all at once. Just need a lot of buckets and some helpers and I can do it in about an hour or two.

Any other thoughts suggestions, recommendations? Kinda flying blind on some of this stuff.