
I normally buy my saltwater at the LFS but when i took some LR out of my tank today my Salinity droped a tad and i wanted to add a lil saltwater to my tank. Ive been stiring the water for like 30-40 minutes now and still have undisolved salt. The RO water that i got is kinda chilly...would it help if i make the water a bit warmer, not that ima throw it in the microwave or anything but i can turn the heat up and put the bucket in front of the vent....idk...any ideas on gettin it to disolve would help.

Thanks in advance
typically make the water the day before use one of your powerheads to keep it moving, throw a heater in there to get it to temp. 24hrs will have it nice and dissolved. You don't want to risk shocking any of your livestock.
Grrrr...was tryin to speed up that process i guess...i hate hearing the sound of the water dumping into my tank, i cant sleep at night when my water gets low lol. Maybe ill just put in a lil more RO water and pop the half a gallon of salted i made in tomorrow....
I made a half gallon about 3 hrs ago. I didnt air raid it i just stirred it. I wanna add it but i also dont want to hurt anything. It still looks like it has undisolved salt in it. Does salt go bad? Its been sittin aroind for about 6 months lol
I've heard of people saying salt goes bad, I don't know I've always used it well before it ever goes bad.
If it's really hard and chunky it could definately take a while for it to dissolve completely.
I mix mine at least a day ahead of time and then let a powerhead and heater do the rest. It makes water changes a lot easier having it all ready to go!

The instant ocean 200 gallon boxes contain four individual bags, which is nice because I only need to open one a time, while the others stay freshly sealed in the bag.
I may be confused, but are you adding salt water as top off water? Or are you doing a water change and using the same bucket to mix up enough to replace what you took out?

Top off water should only be RO water since the salt remains when the water evaporates.
I lost a lil water in taking out some live rock.Not only from it being on my arms and dripping everywhere but also in the holes of the live rock itself. I checked my SG and i was running lower than my prolly just slowly dropped over time from me being in and out of my tank also. I just wanted to add a half a gallon of mixed but the stupid salt i had didnt disolve at all...i got the the LFS today tho and got some pre made, i added about 3/4s of a half a gallon...i had them check with the refractomer and sure as shyt i was on the lower end at .021....sol good i got it...just wondering why that stupid salt wouldnt disolve over 48 hrs...i think the humidity got to it...