Salt tests


part time reefer
i thought i would start this thread so we can all test our salts and post the results of what we com up with.

here is mine.

Oceanic salt
ph 8.0
alk 2.0 millequelivent
cal 450
mag 1200 sg 1.021
WOW Your tests seems way off, even at that low salinity. What brand test kits are you using?
A General Guide to Salt Mixes
I use Red Sea Coral Pro and my #'s are very similar to the results from above.
ca- 460ppm
alk- 8 dKH
mag - 1300
salinity - 35ppt or 1.026
Well, I don't have tests for alk and mag, but here are my results:

Tropic Marin:
ph 8.2
ca 360ppm
salinity around 1.023-25 (but this is based on a hydrometer that may be off by as much as .003)

I'll check salinity again this week when I get my refractometer.
Holy high calcium and alk, yote.
Do you dose for those or is that straight from your salt mix?
The alk is almost twice as high as the range i normally see recommended.
Thats straight out of the bucket.
My tanks running quiet a bit lower because the sorals and coralline algae use the calcium and alkalinity up pretty quick.
Tanks running 480 on calcium and 12DKH.
SeaChem Reef
35PPT on salinity.
YIKES....that alk is scarey high. I don't think I've ever seen anyone keep alk that high.
Your ca and mag pretty much match what's expected from SeaChem Reef, but the alk.......