Rose annenomy and annenomey crab


I am going to get both of them. Will the annanomey crab live in the rose annenomey?? It is a smaller annenomy but don't know it that matters. Lao I red that some starve to death how can I make it so this is not a problem for my anenomey crab. Thank u
My water is good and I am running 14000 k 175 watt metal halides. I have a carpet annenomy so I didint thaink light would be a problem
don't know about the crab, also if you have a clown, it will most likely eject your crab from the nem quickly. Good luck bud!
Thanks for the support everyone. But lucky for me my 2 clownfish LOVE this one leather I have never go more than a foot away from it. They show no motivation towards the other anenomey I have. That's why I was going to try it. Sorry. I know u guys hate my spelling and I can't check how to spell anenomy. I hope the one above is spelled correctly