Rock headache


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Ok so if anyone has read any of my post about rock you may be familiar with my situation.

I have an 80 gallon tank, I plan on putting in about 120lbs of rock. According to all I have read this should be enough at 1.5lbs per gallon.

I have 85 total gallons with my sump but I am also putting in a small piece in the refugium.

I got a link from someone here to Marco Rocks The finest aquarium rock available, base rock, live rock, reef rock, marco rock, reef tank saltwater fish, live corals, Marco rocks, Fiji live rock, Tonga Live rock to get some base rock. The cut it flay on one side so it sits sturdy on the floor of the tank.

I am getting the live rock locally for $5.49 a pound that has been in the store tank cured and I can take it home and slap it right in my tank and it's ready.

Here is my problem because I am looking to get the rock in the next week or so.

Will 120 pounds work good?
Anyone have a photo of this amount in an 80 gallon tank?
Would 40 Pounds of base rock with 80 pounds of live be a good ratio? If not what is?
What is the typical amount of sand for an 80gallon bowfront tank maybe 1.5 inches deep?

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120 will be fine, the ratio doesnt matter, it will all become liverock so you could save some money buying just a bit of liverock and adding baserock, id probably go with 80 to 100pds of sand to get a 1.5in bed though im not sure on that entirely.
+1 Cathic, everything I've ever read has suggested that about 1 lb. per gallon of sand will equate to about an inch of sand. So 120 lbs. should give you about an inch and a half.
Put the rock on the bottom of the tank NOT on the sand. Aragonite slowly dissolves and critters dig --all this could cause a rock slide. Rock slides have caused avalanches that broke glass and emptied tanks in someone's living room.
Whoa so wait what is going to dissolve is that the kind of baserock this place marco sells. Other places sell base rock that is a.different kind.
He's talking about the sand dissolving. The rock your getting will lay flat on the bottom of the tank so you won't have anything to worry about.
Hee that was dumb since I was.just reading about the sand. Yeah I have read and talked to plenty of people about putting the rock first. I still will even with the flat marcos rock.

I figure forty pounds of that will do plus eighty of the live and then I suppose 120 pounds of sand but with the bowfront maybe I will use less.