RO vs Distilled?


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
I am just wondering if I used distill would I be making a mistake?

From all I have read they seem basically the same and until I can get an RO to hook up to my outside I have only what the water machines dispense to my 5 gallon jugs.

I haven't looked yet but I am pretty sure they are all distilled although they may off RO.
Distilled and RO are just two different methods to get the same result. Which is pure water.

I have used distilled in a pinch, but usually get my RO water from my LFS.
50 cents a gallon at the LFS for RO
1.00 a gallon at the store for distilled. I do have to buy it in one gallon jugs if I do this. If your store has one of those water machines, it will probably be cheaper.
Yeah there are a bunch of store lots with the machines outside.

I figure I can start with the distilled until my own RO system is ready for my first water change.
I was just at the Publix over here and they have a water machine for 25cents a gallon that uses RO 2 other types of filtration plus it passes through a UV sterilizer first and again last before it comes out so I would imagine this water is as pure as it can get YAYAYAYAY!!!
Whew I got it done.

5 trips to the store with 6, 3 gallon containers. That is all I had but all together I used 85 gallons of water to fill my 80 gallon bowfront tank and Aqueon Proflex model 2 sump.

The store is close but man taking the caps on and off my fingers go ripped. The people there were probably like man they must be thirsty.

Found out my brother who used to own a pet store left his RO machine strapped to the wall. $2400 gone like the wind. Not to smart I guess.

The tank cleared up in like 1 hour though and looks really clear now.

A lot of air bubbles came out of the salt I can say and there are many on the glass but it is all good.

I got a powerstrip with ten plugs that is really long and screwed it in along the back of the tank. It looks great.

I will def. take some photos tomorrow.
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No work, no tank!

That is pretty funny though hahaaha. If I could just get enough work to stay home and freelance....dreams, dreams.....