RO vs. Distilled water


habitual reefer
I am searching for a good water source in town. short of buying fresh gallons from the market every time, or purchasing an RO unit (which i am about to do out of frustration even though i cannot afford it) all i can come up with is a local distilled vender.

i was using RO/DI from the supermarket vending machines but I dont think they change their filters because i have a very high phosphate problem.

anybody have opinions RO vs. distilled? what are the draw backs to distilled?
I used the wal-mart brand distilled water for the better part of my time in the hobby with no problems what so ever (except for the wife not being happy about haulin it).

The biggest worry about distilled,is some water companies actually use a copper worm in the distilling process.But if I remember right,the wal-mart stuff is actually RO filtered.
Best thing to do would ask the local distiller what material his still is made out of. If it stainless steel, I would say it is fine. If it is copper, avoid it.

Or you could buy a gallon of it and test it for copper.

Distilled water is some of the most pure water you can get.

Buy a RODI unit!!! CHARGE IT. Our economy needs it and so do you.


I bought a RODI unit from Costco (Watts Premier) and installed on the sink. It has an under-sink 11gal tank and a digital sink spigot that lets me know when the filters are spent. I use a 5-gal water tank to fill and exchange water and it works great for regular drinking water as well. It was only $149 and is a five-stage system.

And to DC's point above, Costco does accept American Express.