RO system and water soften???


love my reef
Ok I have been doing the water changes, today will be day 5 I have been doing 10-15 gal a day tested the water yesterday and it seems like they are getting worse? :frustrat:

KH was 14 drop =179ppm

Cal 600ppm when that has been running at 520

nitrates has gotten a little better between 10-20ppm that has been at 20ppm

PH 8.2

My question is I went do to run more water with the RO and noticed that when my husband hooked the ro/di system up it does not by pass the water softener would this be what is giving me the problems with the high Cal levels??? :question:
Reverse osmosis removes salt, heavy metals, and most solids. Have you tested your ro water? If not that is the first thing I would do is get a TDS and test it. If that checks out alright. Test a fresh batch of saltwater to see what it is. Also have you taken a sample from the MT to the LFS to see what they get?
I was told to put after the softener so the membrane doe's not have to work as hard and will last longer.

As for your cal levels not sure of that. never tested before the softener but comes out perfect after.