RO/DI water


Reefing newb
I have a large 50g plastic barrel and was going to store RO/DI water in it once my filter system gets here. I wanna make sure it's clean before i start storing water in it. Can I use vinegar and water to rinse it out? any tips or suggestions about storing water would appreciated.
i know that vinegar desinfects cause is acid .. but i dont know if is safe to use on canisters that are gonna be used for reef...i clean all my stuff and canisters with clear water and salt...i dont use other additives..
I know there are some cleaning solutions or degreasers out there that are suppose to break down into carbon dioxide basic minerals and water, has anyone had exerience in using such a cleaning solution on tank equipment? I have this stuff at work that says it's for farms and marine use. obviously you wouldn't go spraying the stuff into your tank. I just wanna make sure i dont introduce a chemical (wether it be from a cleaning solution or from the barrel i wanna store water in) that will react with the tank.
I used to work at a Car Wash that used vinager to help take off cement off some trucks. If it can do that, you know its good for other stuff.
P.S. BTW, I wouldn't use vinager on colored cars. This was done to white trucks only, from the local cement plant.
ToMatorClown said:
P.S. BTW, I wouldn't use vinager on colored cars. This was done to white trucks only, from the local cement plant.
lol, thanks for the tip Mator, i dont think i'll ever need to wash my car with vinegar.

I guess vinegar is a pretty strong acid if you think about it. i'll give the vinegar a whirl and see how it does.