RO/DI quality question from a Pure-Flo II 50GPD


Reefer Madness
Hi All!
It's been a while. I am setting up a new tank (Yay!) and am cranking out water from my little Pure-Flo II 50gpd RO/DI system. I have a Dual TDS (DM-1) meter installed after the TFC membrane and after the deionization filter. It has been 6 months and it is recommended to replace the filters, which I have on order. I routinely flush the TFC as recommended for 'long life'. I am getting a reading of '000' after the TFC and a reading of '001' after the deionization filter, the water I collect and use.

My question, should I worry about this 1 ppm? I'm wondering why the value goes up, albeit only 1ppm in the deionization membrane. I could just bypass it until I get the new filters. Any thoughts?
I'm guessing there is some margin of error in your TDS meters (in any TDS meters). 1 ppm sounds reasonable to be within that margin of error. In any case, 1 ppm is nothing to worry about.
Thanks Sarah and Amanda. I think it is the DI resin column. The filters are due. I read somewhere that and old DI column can defeat the purification by returning possible phosphates due to it's breakdown. Got me scared! I'm set now until the new filters come.

PS - Heh, heh to your signature Amanda :D