Remove the Power Filter?


Reefing newb
Concord, CA USA
I have a 29 gallon setup that has a Penguin power filter (no bio wheel, two carbon cartridges) and a Remora Skimmer. Lately the Penguin has been acting up (lots of noise, loss of suction on occasion) and I was thinking of removing it. I would estimate (its been a while since I set it up) that I have 40# of live rock, and my sand bed is probably 4" deep or so.

The local shop recommended either swapping the impeller or just getting a new power filter rather than removing it all together, but I like the idea of taking it out.
Is this okay to do? Any better ideas?

Thanks for any and all of your suggestions/advice.
Take it out, that is freshwater technology that translates very poorly to saltwater. They can lead to nitrate issues if they arent cleaned religiously
make sure it is turning over at a rate of no lower then 20 times per hour and depending on what you may want to do for corals 40 times per hour.. And you have a good ripple at the surface to help with gas exchange..:D
make sure it is turning over at a rate of no lower then 20 times per hour and depending on what you may want to do for corals 40 times per hour.. And you have a good ripple at the surface to help with gas exchange..:D

Thanks marcah.
I will have to double check when I get home, but I think that they are 1st gen Koralia 4s.
Should that be okay?
if I remember correctly the 4's are around 1250 gph. two of them is an awful lot of flow.. should be around 1100 or so total in a 29... you are at about a rate of 90 times or better per hour..
hmm. I'll double check (don't trust my memory, especially on Monday). Assuming they are 4's would you recommend turning one off, or downgrading to two smaller ones?
I would love to keep everyone who is in the tank happy, and keep as many options open as possible with regards to future inhabitants (corals).
well, Mondays being what they are - the koralias that I have in there now are a far cry from the 4's I thought...they are 1's. The 550's are 30 bucks at MarineDepot. I think I will move up to get those. Thanks for all of your help Marcah.
I still use my old HOB Filter. It is an aqua clear 50. It has room for a foam filter, activated carbon, and bio bag. Plus if I ever want to put phosphate reducer in there or other types of filters I have the option. This is a little different than the penguin filters though. Plus I clean mine out almost every water change and my nitrates are good. I like to be able to use the activated carbon because it keeps the water crystal clear and smelling pretty good too lol. I run that with 2 Koralia 425 powerheads and a maxijet 400 in power head mode and have an aquatic life 115 protein skimmer. All together it may be overkill but yields good water test results.