Regarding shrimp


Reef enthusiast
I was at the LFS this afternoon, he did a water test for me, and these are the official results.

sg 1.022
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 2
calcium 350
alk 2.9
phos = trace

So things are looking great other than the diatom eruption that turned 3/4 of my rock an ugly tobacco

I looked at a few clowns, and the lfs steered me away from them for now, he said he doesn't like adding fish until the second water change. (Mind you he never mentioned a skimmer when he was setting us up either) He said a pair of shrimp would be a good choice at this point, and recommended blood(fire) shrimp as they are not as "in your face" as cleaners. This set off alarm bells as I remembered some of you saying to avoid shrimp right away. Anyways, as much as I was looking forward to some life in there, I ended up leaving empty handed........~~q:
You basically did the right thing about the shrimp.Shrimp dont like instability.
I dont see any reason you couldnt go ahead and add a couple of clowns.They will be fine untill your skimmer gets there.
What brand salt are you using?
Your calcium is just a tad bit low,but thats not a big deal untill you get started with some LPS corals.
yeah, thats what he told me regarding calcium, I do have some calcium supplement already, and got some purple up coming. I might get some clowns then and let him know I have a skimmer coming. I hate telling him about all this stuff I'm buying online, rather than from him...... (;
Just dont tell him your buying some stuff online.
Dont let him talk you into buying stuff you dont need or aint ready for either.There are a lot of LFS that will try their best to get you buy something that either wont work,or will die within a week or so.
I think shrimp are one of those things that if you added them now, there's a good chance they wouldn't make it. Good choice in leaving empty handed. If you want, go back and get those clowns. I think they'll be fine. And I'd also like to say THANK YOU for doing your research before you buy animals! You would be surprised how many people go in to a fish store, see something pretty, have no idea what it is or how to take care of it, and bring it home, only to have it die on them.
My wife is so brutal, we went back and bought two clowns. She also mentioned to him that we have a skimmer and lighting coming in the mail. He got that funny look on his face.....(:

So our first tank inhabitants are Shampoo and Conditioner!
With equipment, most fish stores sell it at twice the price you can get it online. I don't know anyone that doesn't buy at least some stuff online. Don't feel bad about it!
OK, here they are, people meet Shampoo and Conditioner....


