

Reefing newb
I just put a 40 gallon refugium with 25 pounds of live rock rubble online today. A couple of questions.

1. I would like to get a Mandarin Golby. How do I get a culture of coepods. should I buy something like this
and what kind of macroalgae would they need?

2.What kind of macroalgae could I grow to feed my yellow Tang?

3. I have two light fixtures that are not in use, one is a fluorescent fixture that was used on a freshwater tank? I also have a coral life T5 HO fixture with one actinic and one 10,000 K 39W bulb. Is there a bulb I could get for any one of these fixtures to grow algae.
Any help with getting something like this going would be appreciated thank you, Dave
The fuge is a 40 breeder? I would use the 2x39 and put either a 6500K and a 10,000K or 2x6500. That will get good growth. I dont personally have a sump or fuge, but most who do use chaeto balls, live rock and deep sand beds for pods. If you choose a dsb, its a good idea to have a serpent or brittle star and maybe a tiger tail cucumber or similar to stir the sand and keep those hydrogen compounds out. Also god to toss in a couple turbos and some blue hermits as scavengers and theyre cool, too.

Also make sure to run the lights opposite of your main tank to keep the pH stable. Theres something about the algae using dissolved CO2 24 hours a day between the two tanks and a relationship to pH...I was never good at chemistry, but thats the basic idea.