

I failed Kobayashi Maru
So I saw you all talking about refractometers in another post. The first time I even saw one was a week ago at the lfs when I was getting my water tested. I thought it was cool :)

Anyway, I've asked them to send me a price list to see how much they could sell me one (since I shop there exclusively, they have given me the BEST deals on a lot of things, comparable if not better to online).

So from what I understand, unlike the swing arm testers should be replaced every 6 months (which I did not brother's had it for a couple of years :shock: -- luckily the store tested my salt with the refractometer and it was right at 1.023.) The refractometers, if used properly, don't lose accuracy? Is the correct?

And now, can you guys throw some brands out there so I can check prices online vs what the lfs can offer?
I'm using the same brand as Dustin.
And like he said,Just check it with a few drops of RO water ever so often and recalibrate it as needed.It'll be THE best invest in your tank equipment you'll ever make.
Did you all know that refractometers are temperature sensitive? Just found that out a few weeks ago and thought that I would share for those not in the know.
Thats why I use the salinity side:D
Temp does effect the specific gravity,the colder the water,the more dense it is.
I thought all of them showed salinity on one side and sg on the other.Mine looks exactly like the cheaper model from DF&S. except it was from Premium Aquatics.