

love my reef
am I doing this right? I just bought a refractometer and to do a calibration on it I placed the solution on the prism and set the daylight plate on it, then adjust the screw the light /dark boundry coincides with the null line ??? is that at the 50% mark in the middle.. thats what I went by , the 50% did I do it right?? :confused:
What are you using to calibrate it? I use 35 SG and calibrate mine to read 35, then test my water. The very bottom of the dark edege should be on 35. Wipe it clean then test your water.
OK I just redid everything now I get it :roll: lol thanks

SG is 1.025

What are you using to calibrate it? I use 35 SG and calibrate mine to read 35, then test my water. The very bottom of the dark edege should be on 35. Wipe it clean then test your water.
I just recently bought a refractometer also. No problems with calibrating it but my water tests at 1.030! My hydrometer showed 1.025. Can there really be that much variance?
mine was the other way around I had 3 dif hydrometers and they would all say diff levels the 2 that were instant ocean brand peged out at 1.030 and then my OLD one would say it was low so I never knew what was right
I just recently bought a refractometer also. No problems with calibrating it but my water tests at 1.030! My hydrometer showed 1.025. Can there really be that much variance?
Chiqui, That is EXACLY what I just found out in my tank. I also just got a refractometer. Used 2 diff hydrometers for the last year. They read about 1.026, so I thought I was alright. First test with the refractometer and I was at 1.030!! I've been slowly lowering it over the past week.
Hydrometers are very inaccurate! The Chattanooga Reef Club did a test a few years back, where they bought 5 brand new hydrometers (some same brands, and some different brands) and tested them all using the same water, then tested it with a properly calibrated refractometer. Every single hydrometer was wrong, and there was a HUGE variance between the 5 of them.
Yikes! Glad I paid the extra money for a refractometer. Besides, I love gadgets, and this one is very cool.

I was planning on a water change today to bring the salinity down. How long should the process take so I don't stress my fish? Days, weeks?
In the beginning of doing this hobby I was afraid of Refractmeters so I used a swing arm device and a floaty thing. Big mistake. Refractometers are so easy even a caveman could use one. :)
You mean top off with RO water? I want to bring the salinity down. I'll spread this over the next several days. My fish seem to be doing fine. I was just shocked when I saw 1.030 on the refractometer.