red hair very thick


Reefing newb
I set up a new Oceanic bio cube 14. I took sand, live rock, water, a hermit crab and bio balls all from my 72g fish tank. The 72 has been established for at least five years. In the 72 I have a simple pet store light. About a week after setting up the 14g, I noticed (and it basically arrived over night) red hair like algae all over the top of the rocks, the top of the shell of the hermit crab and the heater. It’s about an inch long now and very thick. The red hair is so thick that sand is getting trapped in it. There are a few strains and one penny size patch that are green/yellow. I have spoken to a few people and no one has a clue. Any idea what it’s called? Good or bad? If bad, how do I get ride of it? From what I understand it isn’t red slime since it sticks to the rock and crab. I have turned one of the rocks over to see if it would start to grow on that side but nothing.


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I set up a new Oceanic bio cube 14. I took sand, live rock, water, a hermit crab and bio balls all from my 72g fish tank. The 72 has been established for at least five years. In the 72 I have a simple pet store light. About a week after setting up the 14g, I noticed (and it basically arrived over night) red hair like algae all over the top of the rocks, the top of the shell of the hermit crab and the heater. It’s about an inch long now and very thick. The red hair is so thick that sand is getting trapped in it. There are a few strains and one penny size patch that are green/yellow. I have spoken to a few people and no one has a clue. Any idea what it’s called? Good or bad? If bad, how do I get ride of it? From what I understand it isn’t red slime since it sticks to the rock and crab. I have turned one of the rocks over to see if it would start to grow on that side but nothing.

This is most likely the result of poor water quality. I would try to manually remove as much of it as possible, do more water changes and run phosphate remover. Also, are you using tap water or RO water?

Could you let us know what your tests read?
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Hair is like cyano.It can be about any color.
I'm going with Cthegame on whats causing it too.Most likely the move from the 72 along with more light has fueled its growth.
BTW,Welcome to the site.
Like any algae, improving your water quality will be the best way to fix it. You need to reduce your nitrates and/or phosphates. Using phosphate removal media is your best bet, along with water changes using RODI (not tap) water.
yeah i have seen that very frequent water changes will help and up the quality of the tank. and im with biff...i definitely think you shouldnt be using tap. good luck!