Red Algeish stuff


Phi Kappa Psi
Good? Bad? what should I do?

Looks like you got a case of cyano bacteria.Bad.
Check your paremeters.Nitrates and phosphates.Figure out where the nutrients are coming from.
When you do a water change,siphon out as much of cyano as possible.It'll also help if you'll leave your lights off for 3 to 4 days.
I had them off for most of the weekend because I went home and had my friend feed the fish. Im doing a water change tomorrow and im about to check the nitrates and phosphates.
Yep, cyano. Are you using tap water or RODI water? Run a phosphate removal media like RowaPhos, PhosBan or PhosGuard. Aim a powerhead in that direction. Cyano can't establish itself in areas of high flow.

Cyano outbreaks are really common in new tanks. It sucks.
I would never use Knoxville tap water....I think they get it from mexico or something cuz its so horrible. Ill pick up a phosphate removal thing tomorrow when I get my stuff from the LFS, let me do a test real quick on the phosphate