

Reefing newb
29-gallon tank, I just added 15lbs of live rock 2 days ago and added a PH buffer as my PH was reading 7.0 Here are my latest readings:

Nitrate- 20
Nitrite- 3.0
Alkalinity- 300

I have the testing strip and compare the colors. According to the kit everything is in the OK range with the exception of the Nitrite. The readings haven't changed in a few days. Is there anything I can do to lower my Nitrites at this point or should I just wait? Is this when I should add the uncooked shirmp?
you do not need to add any uncooked shrimp. the nitrites indicate your system is cycling. the live rock is jump starting your system. also the nitrates indicate you are cycling. you did not say what you are putting in the system other than live rock and buffer. Im curious as to why you must add ph adjustor at this point. you need to determine whay your ph is low. seems you are not mixing salt correctly. you want a specific gravity of near 1.025. temp at apprx. 78 to 80. your nitrates are too high, but for now your system is still cycling. just be patient and let the system settle in with the live rock. are you feeding anything in the tank at this time?. do you have a clean up crew yet, if not that will be your next move. keep us posted on your progress, keep a record log on water parameters, and test at least every other day until the nitrites are 0, then post your readings again and we will try and help. give it at least a week or two. if algae start to grow which is normal consider adding a cleanup crew but go slowly and only add what your system has enough food to support naturally. good luck and patients and waiting is now what you need to do.
Thanks for the info. I only have live rock and live sand. I added the PH buffer as that is what the LFS suggested. I haven't added salt since the initial setup. My specific gravity is 1.022, but my temperature is a little lower than what you suggested. I'll bump up the heat per your recommendation. I haven't fed the tank anything so far. I do not have a clean up crew, just a couple of hermits that came out of the live rock. Thanks again..
Ok bring up your salinity to 1.025. your pH should raise a bit and maybe even stablize. your live rock will season and cycle your system. min. temperature is 77 and max. temp is 82. when you make up your new salt water mix you need to use ro, ro/di, or distilled water to start. if you continue to have a problem with pH, alkalinity etc, use osmo prep by Kent marine to reconstitute the purified water before adding the salt. do this only if needed. for now increase your salinity and stablize temperature . new salt water needs to be seasoned before adding to the main tank. mix well and aireate at tank temperature for at least 24 hrs (preferably 48 hrs) before adding to the main tank. before you do a water change, top off the main tank with purified fresh water and test for water parameters. if all is well then do a water change. recommend at least 10% per week with out any live animals added. hope this all helps. basically you want your main tank water parameters to be good before you do a water change. temperature also affects salinity so always check salinity at same temperature for main tank and make up. good luck.