R.I.P. Little Calypso


Seahorse Whisperer
My littlest seahorse, Calypso has died. May she swim with angels in a sea beyond the clouds that is filled with pods.


No, Calypso never ate frozen mysis. She's the reason I have been struggling so to keep pods in my tank. My other horses grew to be 3-4 inches and she stayed at about 2 inches. I've worked with Pete to try to get her switched but she would never take anything but pods. She didn't show any signs of starvation but I suspect that's what happened. Now I don't have to worry so much about pods in my tank since the rest of my herd are good eaters. They get mysis enriched with special seahorse vitamins. Doesn't make it any easier though.

I`m sorry Cathrine. I had a seahorse tank for a couple yrs and I know how you feel . They are very special fish and I really enjoyed keeping them. I`m sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about Calypso... I know how attached you are to your fish. You did the best you could for her.

You know what they say, the only thing to do when you fall off the horse is get back on!