question for refuge fans


Well? .. I AM trying
My tank is not so mature yet, but I have a 95 gal with 25 gal sump and a 1.5 gal anex with the skimmer.

I have decide to add a refuge and was able to find a 10 gal that would fit into the cabinet with the sump and skimmer wing.

I have put my already established Maricle Mud in the bottom of the refuge. .. water is settling, the tank is plumbed to be fed from the sump and overflows back into the sump... but I am not cycling the refuge water into the system yet.

My intent is a frefuge that produces live food.

So now we get to the questions:

1) I understand I need plenty of "K-toe", what other plant life should I add to the refuge?

2) As best I understand I will need several shrimp, snails, and some of the kinds of snales that work in the gravel-mud. Am I on track there? What else??

3) I also "think" I understand that I should put some LR rubble in the refuge. Is this correct?

4) This tank is young, do I, and if so what do I add to "feed" the refuge while it gets up and running.

5) Or.. is there somewhere it is spelled out letter for letter and clear as a bell??

thanx again,
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My refugium has live rock and chaeto did not use any kind of sand or mud. Seed the refugium with pods. They will live in the rocks and chaeto. Or you can wait and they will get there in time. Depends on how fast you want pods. Thats pretty much it. Oh you do need a light for the macro algae. I use a twisty bulb and cheap fixture from home depot with a cover. One of those clamp on work lights.
Oh... ummm.. I do have a light over my refuge... sorry..
..ok.. Pods?? can I get them at the LocalDealer ??
Most LFS have them. They are in the fridge. You will need to just follow the directions. I seeded my old tank twice. I had so many pods that I ended up watching them more then the tank for a while.
.. this gets an LOL... really? ..I guess I need to look up POD's.

I'm concerned the plants won't have enough to eat yet.. should I worry?

.. this gets an LOL... really? ..I guess I need to look up POD's.

I'm concerned the plants won't have enough to eat yet.. should I worry?


Just for clarification:
"Pods" = copepods and amphipods.

Copepods will be food for fish and will be as close to "wild food" as they can get in a captive system. When housed in a refugium and safe from predation, they will provide a steady supply of fish food as some are moved by the water circulation into the main tank.

Amphipods are useful in that they are scavengers and will eat foods that the hermit crabs cannot reach and the snails would not touch.
Their babies are also eaten by most fish while the larger, mature ones are mostly left alone. This would give you a steady supply of live foods for the tank given sufficient time and space.

You do not want Isopods, which are rarely encountered in the hobby but a big headache when they do show up.

The macroalgae will do fine with just light and water. Any nitrates they get later on will be bonus fertilizer.