question about pot belly seahorses


Reefing newb
hi everyone wanting to try the pot belly seahorses.. I have 5 mustang seahorses now and I also have dwarfs, already familiar with the care of them.. Ive never tried the pot belly though I understand you have to have a chiller cause their water temp has to stay between 60 and 65.. Any recommendations where to get one reasonably priced? ive been searching around to compare prices,, any one out there came up with their own diy ideas to lower water temps beside using a chiller? just wandering if theres other ways of keeping the temp lowered especially thinking along the lines what if there is a power outage of the summer time and you cant run the chiller??.. anyways any of you have mustangs? and Pot belly? wondering if theres any difference in the care level of them.. Besides just having to keep the water temp lower.. My seahorses are doing great.. wanted to add I found an easy way to feed them I bought a soap dish from the dollar tree that has suction cups and I just stuck it on the inside of the tank thaw my Mysis and squirt the Mysis in the soap dish with a turkey baster makes feeding my mustangs task free most of it stays inside the soap dish making cleaning up after them much easier its less mess in the tank. I tap the tank and they come running..